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#3)Some drop the sequence post-nominals from their ‘Go-by name’ … Jr., II, or III … when their father dies. They use a nick name or a simplified version nearly everywhere. #2)Some never include their sequence post nominals in their ‘Go-by name’. or they think the friends/clients/customers will find the post nominals useful. #1)Some keep the sequence post-nominals in the ‘Go-By Names’ if their father was well-known … or if they work together … they socialize in the same circles …. This would be what your known by most people. B) Your ‘Go-by Name’ – which is what you use in less formal circumstances. Your legal names doesn’t change unless you have it legally changed. A) Your legal name – which is what on your birth certificate and likely your most important legal documents. – –- Audrey Parker How to Use Post-Nominal AbbreviationsĬontinued use of sequence post nominals is a matter of clarity.įirst it is useful to define two types of names: What is the proper designation for him now? What is the proper sequence post-nominal designation for the son he is expecting next month? Sequence How to Use Post-Nominal Abbreviations Do You Use Jr., II, III, etc.

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